Workshop Proposal Administrative Guidelines

Revised March 31, 2024


  1. Follow the instructions in the Call for Workshop Proposals carefully.
  2. The principal investigator (PI) must have the approval of the lead organization (LO) to submit the proposal on their behalf.
  3. The LO must be a U.S.-based organization, not an individual, and capable of acting as a subawardee on a federal grant. It is up to the LO to assess whether this is possible prior to submission. As a guide, organizations should review the UCLA Subrecipient Institutional Information Form, which will be required from awardees. (It does not need to be filled out for the proposal.)
  4. There will be a webinar for proposers on April 2, 2024 from 10:30-12:00P Pacific Time, to answer questions on the submission process. It will be recorded. (Slides, Recording)


  1. We expect to provide notification of awards by the end of May, 2024.
  2. Subaward agreements and funding will be available by August 1, 2024. We recommend not planning a workshop before this start date.
  3. Workshops must be completed by September 30, 2024.


  1. Workshop budget requests must not exceed $72,500, including both direct and indirect costs. Up to an additional $2,500 will be provided to proposals with a specific plan for accessibility services.1
  2. Budgets should include only well-justified expenses that support the ICC objectives and can include expenses for senior personnel / workshop organizers, staff, venue and related costs, participant travel support, accessibility services, materials and supplies, and indirect costs (overhead).
  3. Participant support should be prioritized for participants from emerging research institutions, non-profit partners, and others with limited resources. Given the regional focus, individual travel support is expected to be limited.
  4. The following costs are not allowed:
    • Travel support for international participants.
    • Costs not allowed by NSF (see this document, particularly the meetings and conferences section).
  5. Indirect cost (overhead) should be calculated at either the LO’s federally negotiated rate of the 10% de minimus rate. See NSF’s Indirect Cost Rate Policies.
  6. To prepare the budget,
    • Download and fill out the Excel budget template provided here, adding rows as necessary. Include a written justification of each cost as noted.
    • Upload your Excel sheet as part of the proposal submission below. Please upload in xlsx format. Do not generate a PDF.


  1. Submissions are due by Monday, April 15, 2024 11:59PM AOE.
  2. Please submit via InfoReady at the following link:


  1. Such services may include  ASL interpretation, live captioning, childcare, quiet rooms, or other accommodations based on participant needs. This resource from Carolyn Lazard may be helpful in planning. ↩︎