Join us in exploring how to support research and innovation at the intersection of culture, creativity and technology.

Through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Innovation, Culture, and Creativity (ICC) project will bring together experts and stakeholders from creative and technology fields to develop new opportunities at their intersection.

Creative work and cultural production are increasingly intertwined with technologies emerging from research areas supported by NSF and other federal agencies. Started in 2024, the ICC project will bring together experts and stakeholders in convenings across the country to identify actionable opportunities to enhance innovation at the intersection of culture, creativity, and technology. It is led by a team from UCLA and UC Santa Barbara, and was launched in January 2024 with support from NSF’s Directorate of Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP).

The ICC project is kicking off by supporting a series of workshops to explore regional opportunities in innovation, culture, and creativity. To learn more, please see the Call for Workshop Proposals and the list of workshop concept outlines that have been invited to submit a proposal.

Besides the regional workshops, other activities planned include an industry summit on October 18, 2024 and a national convening at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center, December 5-6, 2024, to synthesize results from these activities.

June 27, 2024 Update: Seven regional workshops have been awarded – commencing in mid-August and running through September.

Stay tuned as this website continues to be updated in 2024 with more information.


The ICC project has three interrelated objectives:

Goal #1. Examine the role of regional culture in strengthening innovation ecosystems. This builds on policy research in “creative cities”, “innovation districts”, “open innovation”, and related concepts. By innovation ecosystem, we mean the individuals, organizations, and processes involved in creating tangible societal benefits from new knowledge and inventions that emerge from research.  

Goal #2. Support the continued competitiveness of U.S. industries involved in the creative sector, which are encountering disruption due to innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. We aim to explore programs that create stronger connectivity between the creative sector and applied R&D in science and engineering. This goal builds on recommendations from the National Academies, successful initiatives in other countries, and hands-on experience in industry and higher education. 

Goal #3. Develop novel strategies to expand and diversify the STEM workforce by engaging practical applications at the intersection of technology, innovation, and creativity. This goal is consistent with the redefinition of the STEM workforce by the National Science Board (NSB) in Science and Engineering (S&E) Indicators to encompass all workers who use science and engineering skills in their jobs.

More information on the ICC project and activities can be found in the program background.


The desired outcomes of the ICC project include: